Johann Benedict


born Nürnberg, 1801

died Nürnberg, 26. Oct 1874

Redsmith, metal presser, * around 1801 Nuremberg – † October 26, 1874 Nuremberg. Son of Gottlieb Heinrich, weight maker. ∞ January 15, 1825 Anna Margaretha Linder (* around 1801), children. He became a master in 1825. His masterpiece was a four-pound weight and a goblet. Mintmark: whale. In 1845 he exhibited candlesticks, tea kettles and smoke pans, among other things. In the Rochus and Johannis cemetery there are three epitaphs signed by Bened. Wild, dated between 1847 and 1855. In 1829 he was the owner of the house S. 1562 (Rosental 17), which he later sold; before 1850 he acquired the properties S. 1595 and 1596 (Rosental 22). The company was located at Tetzelgasse 1 in 1870. Works: NUREMBERG, Rochusfriedhof: Epitaphs on grave no. 543 and 1071; –, Johannisfriedhof, grave no. 331. Lit.: Lockner no. 1900; Sichling, 1870, p. 118; Stengel, in: GNM M, 1918/19, p. 153; KDM Nuremberg, 1977. Exhibit: 1845/1. (quoted from the Nuremberg Artists' Lexicon, edited by Manfred H. Grieb)

Period: 19th c.